If you have not paid Team Dues ($250), they are due now! We will be reaching out to families who have not paid.
Pay by Check in the lockbox in the shop or given to Mrs Schaffer.
Or use Paypal at the Donate Link Above. Select Team Dues in the “Use this Donation For” drop-down. Please consider clicking the box to add extra to cover the PayPal fees. On the second screen please select the + next to the Required to enter your student’s name.
Check our Sign-Up Genius for Saturday Lunches in February 2025.
Milford Competition Sign-Up Genius
The next Parent meeting is in person at Forsythe on February 24, 2025 at 7:30pm – Please plan to attend. We will be asking for a $600 deposit for each student that is traveling to World’s, the balance will be due closer to World’s. We will be cashing the checks since will use this money to purchase refundable airplane tickets.
Every parent plays a role in our successful Eagle Evolution Team whether they can make a big commitment of time as a mentor or can take on a smaller role. A few examples:
Make sure you join the Skyline Robotics Parent Slack Channel.
Join our Parent Committee Meetings held on Zoom. (Check Calendar page for dates)
Are you wondering what exactly a robotics competition is? Check out our Cheat Sheet for Parents and Spectators. Most competitions are available to watch live on Twitch or YouTube.
[email protected]
Skyline High School – 2552 N Maple Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103